REBIRTH | RINASCITA art installation – Kalpa ART LIVING


Following the notes of a piano and the lively rhythm of the music, the camera wanders around the exhibition hall of the Castello Ginori di Querceto o discovers the many angles and stops on the sculpted flowers by Tamara Ferioli. Then, it slowly moves all along the intense tridimensional color of Olga Niescier’s canvases.

Kalpa presents REBIRTH | RINASCITA, an artistic dialogue between the two artists. This meditative installation invites you to step inside an elegant procession of multiple organic-sculpted flowers and vertical pictorial canvases. Focusing on the ideas of renewal and turning point, the exhibition investigates the manifold forms of nature as a deposit of arcane laws of preservation and transmission.

The exhibition, created in collaboration with Accademia Libera Natura & Cultura, is open every day until the 12th of September.

Video by the talented